Volume 4 - Year 2023 - Pages 52-62
DOI: 10.11159/jmids.2023.007
A Comparison of a Novel Optimized GSDMM Model with K-Means Clustering For Topic Modelling Of Free Text
Hesham Abdelmotaleb, Małgorzata Wojtyś, Craig McNeile
University of Plymouth, Centre for Mathematical Sciences
Drake Circus, Plymouth (UK), PL4 8AA
hesham.abdelmotaleb@plymouth.ac.uk; malgorzata.wojtys@ plymouth.ac.uk
Abstract - Statistical topic modelling has become an important tool in the text processing field, because more applications are using it to handle the increasing amount of available text data, e.g. from social media platforms. The aim of topic modelling is to discover the main themes or topics from a collection of text documents. While several models have been developed, there is no consensus on evaluating the models, and how to determine the best hyper-parameters of the model. In this research, we develop a method for evaluating topic models for short text that employs word embedding and measuring within-topic variability and separation between topics. We focus on the Dirichlet Mixture Model and tuning its hyper-parameters. We also investigate using the K-means clustering algorithm. In empirical experiments, we present a novel case study on short text datasets related to the telecommunication industry. We find that the optimal values of hyper-parameters, obtained from our evaluation method, do not agree with the fixed values typically used in the literature and lead to different clustering of the text corpora. Moreover, we compare the discovered topics with those obtained from the K-means clustering.
Keywords: Topic modelling, Telecommunication industry, Gibbs Sampling Dirichlet Multinomial Mixture (GSDMM), Model evaluation, Hyper-parameters tuning.
© Copyright 2023 Authors - This is an Open Access article published under the Creative Commons Attribution License terms. Unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium are permitted, provided the original work is properly cited.
Date Received:2023-09-20
Date Revised: 2023-10-05
Date Accepted: 2023-12-02
Date Published: 2023-12-06
1. Introduction
Companies want to understand their customers in the best possible way, in order to reduce customer churn (when a customer stops buying products from the company) for example. It is sometimes said that the goal is for the company to obtain a full 360 degrees view of the customers. Companies have some categorical data, such as Net Promoter Score from their customers from internal surveys, where they ask how likely a customer is to recommend the products of the company to other people. However, there is a lot of useful information in the text in social media posts, internal feedback forms, and posts on review sites about companies written by customers. To gain insight from the unstructured text, written by customers, techniques such as topic modelling are required. The extraction of topics from unstructured text can also be potentially used as features in classifiers. The practical importance of topic modelling and text clustering has increased in recent years, due to continuing expansion of internet usage world-wide, which lead to increasing amount of text data stored and collected online as well as in internal data bases of businesses.
The aim of statistical topic modelling is to extract and summarize trending issues from a corpus of text documents in the form of a set of “themes” or topics that occur in it [1]. Topic modelling methods include Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) [2] and Gibbs Sampling Algorithm for a Dirichlet Mixture Model (GSDMM) [3]. It is also possible to use cluster techniques with word embedding of text to do topic modelling. LDA is one of the most popular topic modelling methods and it uses a generative assumption that a document is created from different proportions of multiple topics [4]. The Dirichlet Mixture Model has been designed for short text topic modelling and it provides one topic per document which effectively results in text clustering. While LDA works better for long text collections such as essays and articles, GSDMM is more suitable for shorter text [5, 4] such as tweets, comments on social media and customers’ reviews.
Generally, model evaluation involves measuring how homogeneous the topics are, by assessing whether each topic or cluster contains similar words or documents, so the more homogeneous content in any cluster the better the result. In practice, the evaluation process for GSDMM model, including the task of tuning its hyper-parameters, is challenging as the conventional evaluation methods do not have implementations that would be easy to apply and often do not result in intuitive topics.
The GSDMM algorithm has three hyper-parameters: α, β and K, where α is the parameter of the Dirichlet prior related to topics, β is the parameter of the Dirichlet prior related to words [6] and K is the upper bound on the number of topics. Following the work of [3] where the method was introduced, many researchers and practitioners use α=β=0.1 as the default setting for the GSDMM algorithm [7, 4, 8, 9, 5, 10]. Alternatively, the choice is based on manual empirical experiments by testing several combinations of values and picking the one that gives the most informative or useful topics [1].
As pointed out in [11], the choice of the values for α and β is important as it can have a big impact on the fitted model. For example, the magnitude of β influences the number of discovered topics, with bigger β leading to a smaller number of topics. Therefore, there is a real need to develop methods for tuning of these hyper-parameters, as the practice adopted by many authors to date is not optimal. Evaluating topic models is a difficult task given the unsupervised nature of such models as well as the complexity of text data.
This project is part of a larger research program to build machine learning models for customer churn in the telecommunication industry. The machine learning models to predict customer churn of telecom users, typically reported in the literature, involve structured data with numerical and categorical variables [26, 27, 28, 29, 30] or customer segmentation [31, 32]. Recently, [33] built a churn model that employed unstructured data and social network analysis.
This paper is focused on topic modelling evaluation methods in the context of unsupervised learning, to bridge a gap in the existing body of research and provide more tools for practitioners. New evaluation methods for the GSDMM algorithm are proposed and their performance compared with UMass coherence in empirical experiments. The proposed method involves converting the words that represent each discovered topic into numerical vectors using a word embedding. Next, the between-topic and within-topic distances are calculated. We present a case study using online comments generated by customers of British telecommunication industry.
In the presented case study, the topics obtained through the optimised GSDMM model are compared with those resulting from the K-means algorithm applied to the word embeddings of text. To the best of our knowledge, there are no published studies that rigorously examine the performance of text topic modelling methods, particularly the GSDMM algorithm, on text data generated by customers of British telecommunication industry.
2. Related Work
A conventional method of evaluating topic models is the perplexity of a held-out test set [2, 12], defined as the likelihood of the test set given the training set. It has been pointed out in literature that perplexity does not necessarily lead to understandable topics, showing poor correlation with human-labelled data [13, 14]. In the recent years, many methods focus on the semantic coherence of topics as the preferred evaluation metric. The two state-of-the-art ways of calculating topic coherence are the UCI topic coherence [15] using Point Mutual Information (PMI) [16] and UMass topic coherence [17]. The UCI topic coherence requires an external database. In the context of topic modelling for short text, the UCI topic coherence was used by [14, 18, 19, 10]. The UMass topic coherence was used in the context of topic modelling for short text by [20] and [4]. Recently, [21] proposed to evaluate topic models by simulating labelled pseudo-documents based on the probability distributions that are provided by the fitted topic model. However, as mentioned by several authors [18, 14, 22], evaluating topic modelling is still an open problem.
In the literature on short text topic modelling, popular types of text datasets frequently analysed by researchers include news data [9, 3, 8, 5] or web search snippets [19, 10, 23, 24, 25]. In recent years, analyses focused on the COVID-19 pandemic have been popular [7, 21, 1]. [4] used a corpus of news articles about markets and companies obtained from a financial magazine, a dataset of tweets about the weather, and tweets about the August GOP debate that took place in Ohio in 2015.
3. Methodology
In this section, the proposed methodology for analysing telecom customers' views is described. This involves the Dirichlet Mixture Model (DMM) that is used for topic discovery in short text documents. Moreover, the application of word embedding and metrics to evaluate the resulting clusters of documents are presented.
3. 1. Definitions and Notation
We begin with basic definitions and notation needed to describe a topic model.
A corpus is defined as a collection of documents and a document - a collection of words, also referred to as terms. The set of all words from the entire corpus is called the vocabulary. Below, we define the basic notation that is used in this section:
V – the number of words in the vocabulary,wv – the vth word in the vocabulary, v = 1, …, V,
D – the number of documents in the corpus,
d – a document label, d = 1, …, D,
Nd – the number of words in document d,
wd,i – the ith word in document d, where i = 1, …, Nd,
K – the number of topics/clusters in the corpus,
k – a topic/cluster label, k = 1, …, K,
zd – the topic assigned to document d, zd = 1, …, K.
We assume that the aim is to assign exactly one topic to each document. Therefore, topics can be viewed as non-overlapping clusters of documents. Below, we fix the notation for the distributions of topics and words in a corpus.
Let θ1, …, θK ≥ 0, where θ1 + …+ θK = 1, be the probability distribution over topics for the whole corpus. In other words, for a randomly chosen document d, the probability of it being in the cluster k is given by θk. Let θ = (θ1, …, θK) be the vector of topic probabilities.
Mathematically, a topic is defined as a probability distribution over words. Let φk,1, φk,2, …, φk,V ≥ 0, where φk,1 + φk,2 + …+ φk,V = 1, be the probability distribution over words for topic k. Let φk = (φk,1, φk,2, …, φk,V) be the vector of word probabilities for topic k.
3. 2. Dirichlet Multinomial Mixture Model
Dirichlet Multinomial Mixture (DMM) model [34] assumes that the vectors of proportions θ and φk are realisations of random variables having a Dirichlet distribution, while topics and words come from Multinomial distributions.
Given priors α and β for the Dirichlet distributions, each document d is assumed to have been generated in the following steps.
Step 1: Sample a vector of topic proportions θ from the K-dimensional Dirichlet(α,…, α) distribution.
Step 2: For each topic k = 1, …, K, sample a vector of word proportions φk related to that topic from the V-dimensional Dirichlet(β,…,β) distribution.
Step 3: For each document d = 1, …, D:
- Sample one topic zd ~ Multinomial(θ).
- For i = 1, …, Nd, sample a word wd,i ~ Multinomial(φzd).
Therefore, once zd is known, the document is generated as a sequence of words which are independent of one another and come from the same distribution. Parameter α is related to topics' distribution while parameter β is related to words' distribution. The DMM model assumes the same values of α for all topics and the same values of β for all words. [3] proposed a collapsed Gibbs Sampling Algorithm for the DMM model, denoted as GSDMM, that is an efficient implementation of the method in terms of its convergence. The authors noted that for a given K the algorithm may result in some of the clusters/topics being empty (i.e. with no documents assigned to them).
The subsequent 350 trading days, starting from April 28, 2021, for the NASDAQ 100 and the Dow Jones, and from May 7, 2021, for the DAX, up to September 15, 2022, were designated for testing. This represents roughly 11% of the entire dataset for all three indices.
3. 3. Proposed Model Evaluation Metrics
To determine the hyper-parameters of the various topic modelling algorithms, such as the number of topics, a cost function is required. For topic modelling, the within-cluster variation of words (WCV) should be minimized and the between-cluster variation (BCV) of words should be maximized. We consider a linear scalarization of them to create the cost function:

where 0 ≤ 𝜆 ≤ 1 is a fixed constant. This cost function is then minimised. In particular, for 𝜆=1 this cost function is related to the well-known measure used in the algorithm of K-means clustering [35].
3.3.1. Word Embedding
To find the values of WCV and BCV, the words in clusters are first represented as numerical vectors using a word embedding algorithm. Ideally, a word embedding is a type of numerical representation of words designed such that words with similar meaning have a similar representation [36]. Two popular tools to construct embedding values are the so-called Word2Vec method [37] and BERT model [38]. Auxiliary word embeddings were utilised by [19] and [10] in the Poisson DMM model to promote words that are semantically related during the model fitting process. Also, [9] used latent feature word representation to incorporate external information into LDA and DMM models for short text and/or small sample size. The authors used Google word vectors and Stanford vectors.
In this paper, we chose the embedding FastText created by Facebook's AI Research (FAIR) lab using a pre-trained word vectors [39]. Thus, each word wi in the corpus is represented as an m-dimensional vector ei, where m = 300 in our experiments.
3.3.2. Within-topic Variation
For a given topic/cluster k, the within-cluster variation can be measured by

where d(ei, ej) is the distance between the two numerical vectors and N is a fixed number of most frequent words. Here, we set N = 10, similarly to the practice of [14] for PMI measure, and [15] who defined a topic by its top ten words. For the distance d(ei, ej), measures such the Euclidean distance (using L2 norm), the Manhattan distance (using L1 norm) or a correlation-based distance can be used. Then, the overall within-cluster variance is found as the average

3.3.3. Separation between Topics
The between-cluster variance is calculated by finding distances between clusters which can be done in several ways. We consider the following four measures to represent the distance between two clusters:
- the average distance between all possible pairs of the top N words in each cluster,
- the distance between centroids of the two clusters,
- the minimal distance between all possible pairs of the top N words in each cluster (related to the well known single linkage),
- the maximal distance between all possible pairs of the top N words in each cluster (related to the well known complete linkage).
These measures are known by their use in the hierarchical clustering algorithm [40].
Then, the overall between-cluster variance is found as the average

where BCVk,j is the separation measure between clusters k and j, obtained by using one of the approaches (a) – (d).
4. Empirical Experiments
In this section, empirical experiments are performed on the datasets obtained from social media platforms and related to the views of the customers of British telecom industry. After cleaning the data, topic models are fitted using the GSDMM algorithm. Model evaluation metrics proposed in section 3.3 are implemented and analysed. Moreover, the obtained topics are compared with text clusters resulting from the K-means algorithm.
To explore views of British telecom customers using the proposed methodology, text data were scraped from two online platforms: TrustPilot (http://www.trustpilot.com/) and BT Community website (http://community.bt.com/). A dataset with 1,979 customers’ comments related to Vodafone was obtained from the TrustPilot website and 1,506 comments of BT’s individual customers were downloaded from the BT Community website.
4. 1. Data Pre-Processing
The two datasets have been pre-processed and cleaned using the following pipeline: (1) convert all letters to lower case; (2) remove all non-alphanumeric characters including punctuation; (3) remove all words that do not appear in the English Dictionary; (4) remove stop words; (5) remove digits; (6) remove one-letter words; (7) remove documents that contain only one word. For step (3), Python's FastText Word Embedding library was used. The words removed in this step were mostly misspelled words. We did not use automatic spelling correction due to the dangers and limitations of the existing methods as pointed out in [41].
4. 2. Data Exploration
Table 1 shows summaries of the datasets before and after cleaning, respectively. Before cleaning, the average number of words per document was between 98 and 115 words across the datasets, while after cleaning between 40 and 49 words. Around 43% of words were stop words. Histograms, shown in Figures 1 and 2 in the Appendix, revealed that the distributions of the number of words per document are right-skewed with the vast majority of text documents shorter than 50 words.
Table 2 presents the most frequent words and bi-grams, respectively, in the documents after cleaning. Unsurprisingly, the name of the company appears as one of the top words. For Vodafone, the word ‘phone’ and the bigram ‘customer service’ stand out indicating that issues related to either phones or contacting the customer service via phone are frequently mentioned. Moreover, the negation words such as ‘no’, ‘not’, ‘no one’, ‘still not’ are present which may indicate negative sentiments in customers’ comments. Also, words related to specific services such as ‘tv’ or ‘smart hub’ can be observed.
Table 1: Summaries of the telecom datasets before (BC) and after (AC) cleaning. The columns show: the number of text documents, the mean number of words per document before and after cleaning, respectively, minimum and maximum number of words per document after cleaning and the total percentage of stop words.
Dataset |
Sample size |
Mean BC |
Mean AC |
Min AC |
Max AC |
Stop words |
BT Community |
1,506 |
98 |
40 |
2 |
541 |
42.8% |
Vodafone |
1,979 |
115 |
49 |
2 |
397 |
44.4% |
Table 2: The most frequent words and bigrams in the telecom datasets after cleaning.
BT Community dataset |
Top words |
bt, td, not, get, no, would, up, new, now, tv |
Top bigrams |
bt tv, smart hub, bt sport, digital voice, set up |
Vodafone dataset |
Top words |
not, vodafone, phone, customer, no, service, get, contract, told, would |
Top bigrams |
customer service, no one, even though, customer services, still not |
4. 3. Design of Experiments
We explore several cost functions to evaluate clustering of documents into topics. The list of the considered metrics and the notation used to refer to them in this section is given in Table 3. In our empirical experiments, Euclidean distance was used for d(ei, ej) in formula (2) to compute the cost functions.
Table 3: Model evaluation metrics used in empirical experiments based on formula (1).
Notation |
𝜆 |
Description |
1 |
using formula (3) |
MeanBCV |
0 |
using the distance between centroids of the two clusters |
MinBCV |
0 |
using the minimal distance between all possible pairs of the top N words in each cluster |
MaxBCV |
0 |
using the maximal distance between all possible pairs of the top N words in each cluster |
CohBCV |
0 |
using UMass Coherence |
MeanCF |
0.5 |
using the distance between centroids of the two clusters |
MinCF |
0.5 |
using the minimal distance between all possible pairs of the top N words in each cluster |
MaxCF |
0.5 |
using the maximal distance between all possible pairs of the top N words in each cluster |
CohCF |
0.5 |
using UMass Coherence |
The GSDMM algorithm for topic discovery is applied to the two text corpora. Each model evaluation criterion is optimised with respect to the hyper-parameters α and β using a grid of the values between 0.05 and 1 with step 0.05, while the parameter K stays fixed and equal to K = 5.
Moreover, for each resulting clustering into topics, we calculate the quantity

where K is the number of topics/clusters and ni is the number of documents in the ith cluster. This measures how balanced the resulting clusters are in terms of their relative sizes, with sizeb = 0 when each topic has the exact same number of documents in it.
Part of the workflow of our proposed evaluation method of the GSDMM is to convert the text into vectors using word embedding. Clustering methods such as K-means or DBSCAN can be used on numerical vectors to determine clusters that define the topics. We investigate the use of K-Means clustering algorithm with the embedded vectors and compare the results to those from the optimized GSDMM. The K-means clustering algorithm is applied on the embedded text data, using the same text embedding from the FastText library as for the GSDMM evaluation measure, with the number of clusters set to 5 for easy comparison.
4. 4. Results
4. 4. 1 Analysis of the optimal hyper-parameters
Table 4 shows the optimal values of α and β for each one of the considered criteria. We observe that generally most cost functions yield similar optimal hyper-parameters, with the exception of the cost function MaxCF and MaxBCF. Moreover, it can be seen that majority of the optimal values for both hyper-parameters are greater than 0.5, and often αopt is smaller than the corresponding βopt. The meaning of parameter α is that it controls how easily a cluster gets removed when it becomes empty, that is if α=0 then a cluster will never be re-populated once it gets empty. On the other hand, β controls how easily words join clusters and if β=0 then a word will never join a cluster without extremely similar words in it. Our results suggest that the optimal models tend to create a moderately small number of clusters and the words can join them relatively easily during the estimation process.
Moreover, we noticed that when the number of clusters K was increased to 10, 15 and 20, it lead to many empty clusters, which in result yielded the same clustering with just 5 non-empty clusters.
Table 4: The optimal values of hyper-parameters α and β for various cost functions, where K=5 for GSDMM algorithm.
BT Community dataset |
αopt |
βopt |
Vodafone dataset |
αopt |
βopt |
0.85 |
0.9 |
0.8 |
0.91 |
MeanBCV |
0.6 |
0.75 |
0.35 |
1.0 |
MinBCV |
0.9 |
0.95 |
0.5 |
0.65 |
MaxBCV |
0.85 |
0.9 |
0.3 |
0.05 |
CohBCV |
0.85 |
0.85 |
0.75 |
0.35 |
MeanCF |
0.85 |
0.9 |
0.8 |
0.9 |
MinCF |
0.75 |
0.95 |
0.8 |
0.9 |
MaxCF |
0.05 |
0.9 |
0.4 |
0.5 |
CohCF |
0.85 |
0.9 |
0.8 |
0.9 |
Table 5 shows the summaries of sizeb that measures the balance of the clusters with respect to their sizes, that is the number of documents in each cluster. Based on the table, we conclude that when the hyper-parameters α and β vary, the resulting cluster sizes also vary, which indicates that different values of the hyper-parameters lead to considerably different clusters. This again suggests that using fixed values of the hyper-parameters, which is a commonplace in the literature, may not be the best practice.
Table 5: The summary statistics for sizeb, defined in equation (5), for obtained clusters over the grid of α and β values for GSDMM.
Minimum |
Maximum |
Mean |
Std deviation |
BT Community data |
0.04 |
1.2 |
0.47 |
0.26 |
Vodafone data |
0.43 |
1.6 |
1.36 |
0.29 |
4. 4. 2 Analysis of the discovered topics
Tables 6 and 7 show the topics discovered in the datasets when K = 5 and with the optimal values of α and β according to the MeanCF criterion, as well as the topics discovered by the K-means algorithm.
For the optimised GSDMM, we observe that the clustering is balanced as the numbers of documents in each topic are very similar, with the exception of one very small cluster for Vodafone dataset. For the BT dataset, the five topics discovered using optimised GSDMM are related to:
- connecting internet devices (‘connect’, ‘hub’, ‘router’, ‘wifi’),
- tv services (‘tv’, ‘sport’, ‘watch’),
- communication (‘email’, ’message’, ’send’),
- phone service (‘number’, ‘phone’, ‘order’),
- internet speed (‘speed’, ‘line’, ‘fibre’),
and the topics seem to be distinctive and well defined. For comparison, Table 8 in the Appendix shows the top words for five discovered topics for the same dataset when the fixed values α = β = 0.1 are used. Looking at the last column of the table, it can be observed that there are four clusters roughly similar in size and one very small cluster. The smallest cluster, labelled as Topic 4 in the Table 8, is related to tv services (‘tv’, ‘sport’, ‘watch’), and it contains only 4.3% of documents assigned to it, while for the optimised GSDMM the corresponding cluster contained 20.5% of documents (Topic 2 in Table 6 and Topic 4 in Table 8). Some other topics also can be matched between the optimised GSDMM results and Table 8, for example connecting internet devices (Topic 1 in Table 6 and Topic 3 in Table 8). However, some of the clusters created by the GSDMM with fixed values α = β = 0.1 seem to overlap with one another and be less focused, for example Topic 1 in Table 8 seems to be a mixture of broadband speed and phone lines and it overlaps with Topic 5 in Table 8. In conclusion, for these data, our optimised GSDMM model provided more focused and distinctive topics in comparison to the topics resulting from the GSDMM with fixed values α = β = 0.1.
Table 6: Top words for topics obtained by GSDMM for K=5 and α=αopt, β=βopt and by K-means for the BT Community dataset. The last column shows the proportion of documents in each topic.
Model |
Top Words |
Cluster size |
Topic 1 |
connect, hub, work, phone, router, try, wifi, disc, use, device |
21.4% |
K-means |
td, bt, not, hub, get, no, would, up, new, phone |
44.4% |
Topic 2 |
tv, sport, watch, channel, app, box, try, package, use, sky |
20.5% |
K-means |
bt, tv, box, not, sport, now, watch, app, pro, get |
19.7% |
Topic 3 |
email, try, message, account, send, address, use, receive, access, help |
19.7% |
K-means |
bt, email, not, get, no, account, new, number, phone, message |
30.3% |
Topic 4 |
number, phone, order, tell, service, broadband, thank, receive, try, email |
19.8% |
K-means |
board, topics |
1.0% |
Topic 5 |
speed, line, fibre, engineer, connection, broadband, connect, hub, issue, work |
18.6% |
K-means |
norton, bt, get, mcafee, not, spam, trying, server, tried, protect |
4.5% |
For the Vodafone dataset, the four main topics discovered by the optimised GSDMM are related to:
- contacting customer service (‘phone’, ‘customer’, ‘tell’),
- contracts (‘contract’, ‘month’, ‘pay’),
- phones (‘phone’, ‘order’, ‘service’) and
- company custom (‘company’, ‘custom’, ‘easily’),
with the last topic not being very focused and at the same time the largest. For these data, the clusters of documents are less distinctive. For comparison, Table 9 in the Appendix shows the top words for five discovered topics for the same dataset when the fixed values α = β = 0.1 are used. Again, in terms of the size of each cluster, a considerably different clustering is obtained when the fixed values of the hyperparameters are used for these data. Moreover, the topics are less distinctive and less focused when compared to the optimised GSDMM.
Table 7: Top words for topics obtained by GSDMM for K=5 and α=αopt, β=βopt and by K-means for the Vodafone dataset. The last column shows the proportion of documents in each topic.
Model |
Top Words |
Cluster size |
Topic 1 |
customer, service, phone, vodafone, try, hour, contract, time, speak, chat |
0.5% |
K-means |
broadband, not, service, no, internet, customer, get, worst, network, speed |
6.7% |
Topic 2 |
vodafone, phone, customer, tell, service, day, time, contract, hour, try |
19.4% |
K-means |
vodafone, not, phone, customer, service, no, get, contract, after, now |
28.3% |
Topic 3 |
phone, vodafone, tell, customer, contract, order, cancel, service, send, day |
18.8% |
K-means |
customer, phone, not, service, no, get, contract, chat, up, after |
17.2% |
Topic 4 |
vodafone, contract, customer, service, phone, pay, month, year, company, time |
22.6% |
K-means |
not, vodafone, phone, no, customer, get, service, would, told, contract |
43.9% |
Topic 5 |
company, custom, easily, cow, submission, fund, contract, renew, crank, speech |
38.7% |
K-means |
customer, service, worst, company, ever, not, bad, still, never, contract |
3.8% |
4. 4. 3 Comparison with K-means clustering
The clusters obtained from the optimized GSDMM and K-Means are not identical due to differences in algorithms, but we tried to match the five clusters from the two algorithms, as showed in Tables 6 and 7, depending on the most common words that exist in them. The relative sizes of the clusters within corpora, defined through the number of text documents for each discovered topic, are visualized in Figures 3 and 4 in the Appendix.
For the BT Community dataset, the first three topics showed in Table 6 match quite well between K-Means and GSDMM, as they contain similar keywords, and similar numbers of documents in them. Topics 4 and 5 do not seem to be similar. For the Vodafone dataset, the first four topics showed in Table 7 are quite similar between GSDMM and K-means, while the last topic does not seem to match.
Comparing the optimised GSDMM and K-Means, we can see that GSDMM produces clusters that are slightly more balanced in size than the K-Means algorithm. However, both methods produce some very small clusters in some cases. On the other hand, the optimised GSDMM seems to produce more homogeneous set of words within each topic, compared to K-Means which in most cases is not able to create a better clustering. For example, for BT Community dataset, we can find words such as ‘bt’, ‘not’ and ‘get’ in four out of five clusters obtained through K-Means, and cluster number 4 contains only 2 words.
7. Conclusion
We have investigated a method to evaluate the GSDMM model and to tune the two hyper-parameters α and β of the model. The method employs word embedding that uses externally pre-trained models for representing each word as a numerical vector in such way that words with similar meaning have similar numerical representations. Then, classical metrics for within-cluster variability and for separation between clusters can be applied. Using our model evaluation method, we find that the conventional values of the hyper-parameters α and β frequently used in the literature may not be optimal. In particular, for the text corpora related to telecom industry customers’ comments and opinions, the preferred values of the hyper-parameters tend to be between 0.5 and 1. Moreover, for these data, the discovered number of topics tends to be below 10. The proposed method and its implementation provide a solution for the challenging task of model evaluation and hyper-parameter tuning, without which the practical usefulness of the GSDMM method is limited.
We compared the topics obtained from GSDMM and the K-means clustering algorithm. Fairly similar topics were obtained from the two methods. However, the optimised GSDMM seems to produce more homogeneous set of words within each topic, in comparison to K-Means.
It should be noted that the obtained results and conclusions have a level of uncertainty related to them as they are based on a specific corpus and as such are due to random variations. Another source of uncertainty is related to the settings of the employed algorithms. In a recent paper [42], a visual method of presenting uncertainty for word clouds resulting from LDA model is proposed. Moreover, in the context of humanities research, the accuracy issues arising from assigning topic labels and topic interpretation are discussed in [43]. However, quantification of such uncertainties is currently an open area of future research.
In future work, we will investigate other word embedding techniques than FastText. Also, we plan to experiment with different clustering algorithms. Our general goal is to use the methods developed in this paper to include text data in classifiers for customer churn. Also, it may be interesting to investigate the use of large language models for topic modelling [44].
We thank David Yearling, Sri Harish Kalidass and Michael Free for discussions, particularly on sources of data sets.
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5. Appendix

Table 8: Top words for the five topics for GSDMM with K = 5 and α = β = 0.1 for BT Community dataset. The last column shows the proportion of documents in each topic.
Top Words |
Cluster size |
Topic 1 |
phone, speed, number, line, broadband, tell, work, order, service, fibre |
20.5% |
Topic 2 |
email, try, message, account, send, receive, address, thank, help, use |
26.7% |
Topic 3 |
hub, connect, try, work, router, wifi, phone, use, problem, disc |
19.1% |
Topic 4 |
tv, sport, watch, app, channel, try, box, package, sky, use |
4.3% |
Topic 5 |
cable, phone, speed, connect, wire, router, line, house, thank, socket |
29.4% |
Table 9: Top words for the five topics for GSDMM with K = 5 and α = β = 0.1 for Vodafone dataset. The last column shows the proportion of documents in each topic.
Top Words |
Cluster size |
Topic 1 |
phone, vodafone, customer, tell, service, contract, day, time, try, hour |
3.5% |
Topic 2 |
service, vodafone, customer, contract, month, phone, pay, year, time, company |
20.4% |
Topic 3 |
customer, phone, service, vodafone, try, tell, hour, contract, time, speak |
16.8% |
Topic 4 |
pay, contract, vodafone, phone, month, year, charge, cancel, company, customer |
4.6% |
Topic 5 |
internet, vodafone, service, customer, time, broadband, tell, speed, issue, engineer |
54.6% |